Friday, February 5, 2010

Welcome to Trick "U"

After months of dreaming, planning, creating and editing we proudly introduce: "Trick University" from the creative minds at

Our goal is to help you to earn your degree in "AMAZING" by performing unbelievable tricks, effects, and stunts with ordinary objects that are all around YOUR everyday natural environment! We are starting our lessons with your office environment in our iTunes Podcast: "Cubicle-Fx"

We aim to re-think, re-create, and re-purpose the art of magic, delivering illusions and effects that you can do with little or no practice... And we will try to do this with:

~ No goofy "Twinkles the magic clown" props.
~ No old "Uncle Albert" card tricks that last an hour.
~ No complex finger-bending sleights that are impossible to replicate.
~ No expensive gimmicks that must be purchased from some guy in a top hat.
~ No tuition, fees, subscriptions, or "PayPal" scams...

BUT... We need your support!

You can HELP us by commenting, and rating our content on YouTube, and iTunes while helping us grow our student base by telling your friends about us on Twitter, FaceBook, Digg, etc...

The more people that watch us, the more content we can afford to produce...

We are 100% sponsored by corporate advertising and our sponsors would LOVE it if you actually visit their sites, act interested in their products, and if you could actually buy something from them, that would make Trick University look really good! Thank you in advance...

Specto Secretum Scientia...

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